Sunday, April 22, 2012


These sisters have nothing to do with this story.

Two Sisters took a day off and went to the zoo. They enjoyed seeing all of God's animals. The Tigers were beautiful, the Zebras wore the same colors as they did. When they got to the Gorilla's Cage one of the sisters got a little too close. The Gorilla drew her into his cage and tore her habit from her body and ravaged her right there. The other sister was horrified, and when the Gorilla was done, she scooped up the her friends Habit and  grabbed her through the bars and pulled her out. They fixed her up and went back up to the Nunnery. Weeks passed and the poor sister recovered quite well, being tended by her friend, but they never talked about the incident. When finally her friend couldn't stand it  and the sister couldn't contain her curiosity any longer and had to ask, "Does it hurt?"
"Does it hurt, you ask? Of course it hurts, he never writes, he never calls!"

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