Monday, February 20, 2012

So, now that I have introduced you to my immediate family I want to get started with telling some stories that I think are funny. Both Ha Ha funny and peculiarly funny.

Today I was sitting and getting my nails done in a posh downtown salon where I have been a regular, since it opened, as I am a friend of the owner. Two women dressed in the best of exercise clothes walk in with a little dog on a leash, to make appointments for pedicures later in the day. The two manicurists start talking in Vietnamese to each other and I can tell from their intonation that something is irregular. I turn around and notice the baby carriage that has been left out front on our main street, some thirty feet from where the women are now, complete with a maybe nine month old baby. The young client of the other manicurist sits with an incredulous look on her face. I turned to the two women and asked, "You bring your dog in and leave the baby out side." The younger looking anorexic women says, "Yeah, I should check on that," and leaves the salon. After the older women books her appointment and leaves, the manicurists say that she is a principal of a local elementary school. Isn't it nice to know that a women who manages our youngsters is so remiss when it comes to a baby in her own care? WTF!!!

1 comment:

  1. Only in Los Gatos! It's the only place that I've seen that caters to dogs soooooooo much! Unbelieveble!
