Sunday, January 12, 2014

Corporate America?

With all the talk about how the politicians are owned by corporations and how the corporations are using their contributions to win political clout, I got to thinking. Why do the campaigners need to raise so much money in their run for office? Well it costs a lot of money to advertise on Television, millions of dollars per 1 minute ad. What if we decided to not allow any political advertisement on the television. What if we only allow a small series of debates so we can learn about our candidates platforms? Could we limit the amount of money that a candidate is allowed to spend getting elected?  I guess that has been voted down in the past. Well just think, if there is no need for an obscene amount of money being raised for a candidate to get into office, how many favors will not have to be paid back in legislation that may not be in the best interest of our country. At the very least, we would not be subjected to all those advertisements. 

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